Frocester Excavation Reports

The results of the excavations and associated documentary and other research have been published in four volumes:-

Volume 1 – The Sites, published in 2000, 288 pages & 195 illustrations, details is a record of Sites 1 – 9 1961-1994 excavations where evidence of settlement and farming from prehistoric through Roman, post-Roman, medieval and modern times has been found. For a list of chapters, figures and tables please click here.

An online version is now available. A pdf version of the complete volume is now available online. To access this worthwhile facility please click here. The screen can go blank while the pdf is loaded.


Volume 2 – The Finds, also published in 2000, 296 pages & 110 illustrations, is a record of some 2,500 finds made at these sites, the majority of which are illustrated with line drawings by Eddie Price. For a list of chapters, figures and tables please click here.

An online version is now available. A pdf version of the complete volume is now available online. To access this worthwhile facility please click here. The screen can go blank while the pdf is loaded.


Volume 3 – Excavations 1995-2009, published in 2010, 272 pages & 78 illustrations, records the excavation results and finds at the above sites after those reported in Volumes 1 & 2. For a list of chapters, figures and tables please click here.


Volume 4 – The Village, published 2008, 270 pages, names index, 180+ photographs & 60+ plans, takes a wider view of Frocester, both geographically and temporally, in that it examines the history of the whole village from the earliest documentary or other evidence to the modern day. For a list of chapters, figures and tables please click here.