
The Annual Review of Gloucestershire Archaeology (formerly Gadarg)

Gloucestershire Archaeology (GlosArch) publishes annually, about April, a journal called GLEVENSIS (meaning ‘of Gloucester’). This is in A4 softback format, usually of 60 or more pages, illustrated with many plans, line drawings and photographs. GLEVENSIS, which is available free to members, contains reports and articles, often by members themselves, both amateur and professional, covering a range of Gloucestershire archaeological and local history topics. It is recognised as maintaining a good academic and production standard. This is reflected by the fact that local government and contracting units often publish their interim reports, and sometime their only ones, in this review. Regular articles include annual reports from the Portable Antiquities Scheme for Gloucestershire, and Cotswold Archaeology and a biannual report on archaeological activity in Gloucester by the city archaeologist, including excavations and watching briefs.

Non-members can purchase copies of the current issue at cost price, plus postage and packing as appropriate. Some back numbers can be purchased at reduced cost. Copies of the current issue are £3.50 (£4.50 by post in UK). Previous years’ issues (where available) cost £2.00 (plus postage).

GLEVENSIS can be purchased by writing to:-

Angela Newcombe,
2 Warren Close, Churchdown,
Gloucester GL3 1JP.UK.

Telephone: 01452 859308


Payment can be made by cheque or by bank transfer to:

Cooperative Bank
Gloucestershire Archaeology
Sort Code 08-92-99
Account number 67285787



Glevensis welcomes papers on topics relating to the archaeology and history of Gloucestershire. To enquire about submitting a paper email the editors at

Instructions for authors can be found here